The The fearless Vampire Killers inn in Transylvania 1 Scene 1 It is night and it is snowing. The moon is full in the sky and there are two men on a little sledge1. Two horses are in front of the sledge. The two men are in Transylvania after a long journey through Europe. They are looking for vampires! They are tired. One of them is Professor Abronsius, a famous scientist and University professor; the other is Alfred, his young assistant2. The horses are running very fast because there are some wolves3 behind the sledge! Wolves! Alfred says. What can we do? he asks. Professor Abronsius cannot answer, he is too cold, his mouth is closed and he cannot speak! Run! Run! , Alfred says to the horses, so they can leave the wolves behind the sledge. We are safe, Professor! , says Alfred but Abronsius just looks at him. There is a valley4 in front of them and they can see the houses of a small village. The village is near, Professor! We can find a fire5 and some food there and a bedroom for the night, Alfred says. After some time, the sledge arrives in front of an inn6; the windows are open and Alfred can see someone inside. Help! he cries. Can anyone help us? The professor is freezing7! The door of the inn opens. A little man comes out and goes to the sledge. He is Shagal, the owner8 of the inn. Yes, Yes. I m coming! Come inside and he will be alright! Shagal says. 1. sledge: a vehicle for travelling on snow. 2. assistant: someone who helps someone else to do a job. 3. wolves: 4. valley: 5. fire: 6. inn: a pub where you can stay for the night. 7. to freeze: to become ice as a result of extreme cold. 8. owner: someone who has something. 7