The fearlessSarah Vampire Killers 3 Scene 2 The black figure arrives at the inn late at night. He is on the roof 1 of the inn and is looking through2 the window. He is looking at Sarah in the bathroom. She is having a warm bath. It is very cold outside, it is snowing! The man with the black mantle goes into the bathroom through the window... he is flying3! He is a vampire! Sarah screams4, she is scared5 of him! He is near her; he puts his hand on her mouth and bites6 into her neck! Alfred is in the room near the bathroom; he can hear some noises and can hear Sarah s screams. He looks through the keyhole7 in the door and sees an old man; his mouth is full of blood and he is standing near Sarah! Alfred calls Professor Abronsius. He s there! He s there! , he says to the Professor. They run to the bathroom because they want to help the poor girl; but when they open the door of the bathroom, they see an empty8 room. Sarah is not there, there is just some blood on the floor and the window is open. After some time, Yoyneh Shagal, Sarah s father, arrives in the room. He is screaming and says, Where are you, my daughter? Where are you, little Sarah? Yoyneh Shagal 1. roof: 5. is scared: is very afraid. 6. bites: uses his teeth to cut (into her neck). 2. through: 7. keyhole: 3. flying: moving through the air. 4. screams: cries loudly. 8. empty: the opposite of full. 17