The fearless Vampire Killers The midnight ball 9 Scene 5 The sun is going down and they are waking up, Alfred, Professor Abronsius says, we must leave the castle! Yes, but we must find Sarah first and then we can go away, Alfred says. They go back to their bedrooms and when they look through the window, they see the churchyard1 of the castle. There are a lot of graves and a lot of vampires are coming out of the graves! They are wearing evening clothes: they are ready for the midnight ball. Professor Abronsius and Alfred are frightened, they know that they are in danger! They must leave the castle, but it is not easy. All the doors of the castle are closed. Koukol is a good guardian and there are a lot of vampires in the castle. Count Von Krolock and his son Herbert are looking for them. They want to transform2 Alfred and the Professor into vampires, too! Count Von Krolock wants to bite them on their necks so that they can become vampires. Here you are, my friends! Count Von Krolock says when he finds Professor Abronsius and Alfred in their bedrooms. You can t leave my castle. You don t have wings3 like bats! Count Von Krolock says. Now you re here and soon4 you ll be like all my friends here at the castle. We ll have long conversations about your books, Professor Abronsius, in the winter evenings in the next centuries. Aren t you happy to be members of this big family? Count Von Krolock asks. No, we aren t, Count! We want to go away with Sarah. Where is Sarah? Alfred asks. I must leave you now, my friends. See you later at the ball... with Sarah! the Count says and goes out of their bedroom. 1. churchyard: 3. wings: 4. soon: in a short time. 2. transform: to change completely the appearance of someone. 47