E X T E N S I O N ANCIENT MONSTERS1 Medusa The story of Medusa comes from the Greek mythology2. She is famous for her beauty and her beautiful hair, but one day the goddess3 Athena changes her hair into snakes4, her beautiful face into an ugly one and the people that look at Medusa s face change into a statue5. The Minotaur The Minotaur is a man with the head of a bull6; this story comes from the Greek mythology, too. He is a monster and is bad; he lives in the Labyrinth7 on the Greek island8 of Crete. The Greek Theseus kills him and goes out from the labyrinth thanks to a ball of thread9 that Ariadne, the princess10 of Crete, gives him. Scylla Scylla is a sea monster in the Greek mythology. She lives in a channel between Calabria and Sicily in southern Italy. We find Scylla in Homer s Odyssey and then in Virgil s Aeneid. Homer writes that Scylla is a monster with twelve feet, six long necks and horrible heads with long teeth. She kills and eats seamen. 1. monsters: imaginary frightening creatures. 2. mythology: ancient stories. 3. goddess: a female god. 6. bull: a male cow. 7. labyrinth: a place where you can get lost. 4. snakes: 8. island: 9. ball of thread: 10. princess: a young female member of a royal family. 5. statue: 44