3 On a desert island Chapter BEFORE READING 1 The story so far. Fill in the gaps with the words given in the box. age alone Brazil days far fishing land (x2) pirates planter raft sailed ship shore slave storm swam voyage York Robinson was born in ............................ in 1632. At the .............................. of 19 he went to London and ........................ for Africa. During a second ......................... to Africa some Turkish ........................ attacked his ........................ and took him prisoner. He became a ........................................ but after two years he escaped on a ............................. boat with another young black slave boy. After eleven ..................................... a Portuguese ship saved them. The ship was sailing for .................................. , where Robinson bought some ................................ and became a sugar ................................... After four years he sailed for Guinea with other planters. There was a terrible ......................................... and the ship hit a rock. Robinson reached the ........................................... but his companions died. The following day he saw the ship not ............................ from the shore. He .......................................... to the ship, built a .......................................... and took a lot of useful things. Then he explored the ..................................... and realised he was .................................... on an island. 2 Robinson goes to the ship a lot of times and finds many other useful things. Look at the pictures of the objects that he finds and match them to the words below. 1. blankets 2. sails 3. scissors 4. compass 5. knives 6. forks ...... ...... ...... ...... 27 ...... ......