a cura di D.P. MadrigaliRobinson Crusoe, considered to be the first English novel, is the story of a young and rich Englishman with two passions in life: the sea and adventure. But after several voyages and adventures all over the world, a shipwreck takes him, the only survivor, onto a desert island. Here he lives for 28 years, writing a diary in which he narrates all his experiences.
In his last years there he meets a native, Friday, who becomes Robinson’s faithful servant. Eventually, he manages to return to England where he finds out that he has become rich thanks to his Brazilian plantation.
The book presents in-depth analyses on the origin and development of the novel, journalism and the rise of the middle class.
Teacher's Resources available online: Answer Key - Audioscripts - Key to Summing-up Activities.
Considerato il capostipite del romanzo moderno, Robinson Crusoe è la storia di un giovane e ricco inglese attratto da due grandi amori: il mare e l’avventura. Tuttavia, dopo una serie di viaggi in diverse parti del mondo, un naufragio lo porta ad essere l’unico sopravvissuto su un’isola deserta. Qui vivrà 28 anni, scrivendo un diario in cui racconta tutte le sue avventure. Ritornerà in Inghilterra scoprendo di essere diventato ricco grazie alla sua piantagione brasiliana.
Daniel Defoe4Chapter 1 – Robinson at sea6Extension: The origin of the novel16Chapter 2 – Shipwreck17Extension: Slavery26Chapter 3 – On a desert island27Extension: The middle class36Chapter 4 – Life on the island37Extension: Journalism47Chapter 5 – Other human beings48Extension: The rise of the novel58Chapter 6 – Back home59Extension: Robinson Crusoe at the cinema69Summing-up activities71Glossary75