5 Other human beings Chapter BEFORE READING 1 The story so far. Fill in the gaps with the nouns given in the box. Bible cave chair clothes cross date dog earthquake goats hill house journal mark ship tent time I took a lot of useful things from the ............................, including a dog and two cats, then I found a good place near a ................................. to build my new ................................ . It was on the side of a ............................... . I also built a wooden ................................. . I carved the ................................ of my arrival on it and I put a .............................. every day because I wanted to record the passing of ............................ . I survived an ............................ and a terrible illness. I started reading the ............................ every day. I always went hunting with my .................................. and I decided to put a ............................ in the valley. I began to keep a ............................. . Here I wrote all the things I did and what happened. I built a table, a .................................... and a small boat. I decided to breed ............................... and from their skins I made new .................................. . 2 Making predictions. What do you think will happen? Answer the following questions. a. Will Robinson be alone for ever? ........................................................................ b. Will Robinson stay on this island for the rest of his life? .................... ..................................................................................................................................................... c. Will someone kill Robinson? ................................................................................... 3 Look at the picture on page 50 and answer the questions. a. Who are the people on the beach? ................................................................. b. What do they look like? ............................................................................................ c. What do you think they are doing? .................................................................. 48