4 Life on the island Chapter BEFORE READING 1 Each illustrated word refers to something that you can find in Chapter 4. Match the following illustrated words to their definitions. ...... ...... a. pick-axe ...... b. shovel ...... d. hut 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2 ...... c. spear ...... e. poles f. gun A long weapon with a sharp metal point. Weapon used for firing bullets. It is used for moving earth, sand, snow, etc. A small, simple house. It is used for breaking rocks. Long pieces of wood or metal with the end placed in the ground. Complete the sentences with who, what, where or how. Robinson wants to know: a. b. c. d. e. f. ............................ he is. ............................ lives on the island. ............................ kind of animals there are. ............................ to build his house. ............................ he can do with the money. ............................ to remember the passing of time. 37