E X T E N S I O N THE RISE OF THE NOVEL 1 In the 18th century the most used literary form was the novel. Thanks to the works of Daniel Defoe (Robinson Crusoe, Moll Flanders), Jonathan Swift (Gulliver s Travels), Samuel Richardson (Pamela) and Henry Fielding (Tom Jones), it became very popular. The novel was not a completely new literary form but the modern novel was new because of some characteristics which appeared for the first time. For example, it was based on real life. The characters were real people with common names who were described in a realistic way in their daily routines and actions. Sometimes it was the protagonist of the novel who narrated the story (first person narration) so that it seemed even more realistic. There were a lot of precise descriptions of the external environment2, of habits3, time, geographical places, social and historical events. Great importance was given to the individual who fought for his economic independence and to become rich. The language was clear and direct so that people could read it easily. The readers were principally members of the middle class who identified with the protagonists. The success of novels and the growing4 number of readers were also due to the fact that novels were not expensive, that circulating5 libraries existed and that the novels were often published in a serialized6 form in magazines or journals. In fact Robinson Crusoe was first published in this way in the journal Original London Post. Jonathan Swift Samuel Richardson 1. novel: a long prose fiction story of characters and their actions in modern situations. 2. environment: situation, location. 3. 4. 5. 6. 58 Henry Fielding habits: way of life. growing: rising, more and more. circulating: moving around. serialized: published in parts.