FUTURO CON IL PRESENT SIMPLE E IL PRESENT PROGRESSIVE organizzato predefiniti present simple n Per esprimere azioni o situazioni future si possono anche usare: L momento Modulo 9 - Unità 3 il .................................., quando ci si riferisce ad orari .................................. k We have classes from 8.00 to 13.00 every day next week. La prossima settimana avremo lezione tutti i giorni dalle 8.00 alle 13.00. k The train arrives at Euston Station at 11:48 tomorrow. Il treno arriverà alla Stazione Euston alle 11.48 domani mattina. il present progressive, quando ci si riferisce a qualcosa di già .................................. o pianificato, di cui si specifica anche il .................................. di svolgimento(1) k Jane s leaving for Moscow tomorrow morning. Jane partirà per Mosca domani mattina. k They re taking part in the marathon on Saturday. Parteciperanno alla maratona sabato. (1) in alternativa a to be going to 1. Completa le seguenti frasi con il present simple dei verbi tra parentesi. a. What time .................................... (the train from Edinburgh leave)? b. The plane .......................................... (take off) at 11:45 from Paris Charles de Gaulle airport and .................................... (arrive) at 12:30 at London Gatwick airport. c. Offices and shops .................................... (be) closed on August Bank Holiday. d. The supermarket .................................... (remain) open until 10:30 p.m. next Monday. e. Coaches to Leeds .................................... (leave) every two hours tomorrow. f. What time .................................... (the programme start) tonight? g. The Orient Express .................................... (arrive) in Moscow at 14.28 on Sunday. h. Shops .................................... (not close) until 10:00 p.m. from next week for the whole summer. 2. Completa queste frasi con il present progressive dei verbi tra parentesi. a. She .................................................. (take) part in an expedition to Nigeria next month. b. He .................................................. (pick up) the tickets from the agency later on in the afternoon. d. I .................................................. (go) to work by train next week. e. They .................................................. (not stay) here next July. f. Our host family .................................................. (meet) us on our arrival. g. What .................................................. (you do) on Saturday? h. .................................................. (Ann come) to the cinema with us tonight? Unità 3 - Futuro con il Present Simple e il Present Progressive 121 Futuri c. Paul and Caroline .................................................. (drive) to the south of France tomorrow.