SCHEMA RIASSUNTIVO DELLE VARIE TIPOLOGIE DI DOMANDA Modulo 10 - Unità 4 Completa la seguente tabella domande wh-word ausiliare ......................... ................ wh-word wh-word complem. k k What con wh-word .............. k Who Do do .................... principale resto della ........................ you go to bed before midnight? you have for breakfast? wants to come to the disco? .................. ......................... 1. Abbina domande a risposte. a. Was the film interesting? A. Henry does. b. What did you buy in the end? B. No, it didn t. c. Who loves Sara? C. Yesterday at 6 o clock. d. How much are those nectarines? D. Everybody left the hall. e. When did the accident occur? E. Nothing. I didn t like anything. f. What happened next? F. Who, Mary? to Plymouth. g. Where was she driving? G. £ 2.00 a kilo. h. Did it take you long to get there? H. No, it was rather boring. 2. Formula delle domande riordinando le seguenti parole. a. they often at to seaside the the do go weekend ................................................................................................................................................? b. kind music of you listening what are to ................................................................................................................................................? c. you phoned last who night ................................................................................................................................................? d. often do you practise how your French ................................................................................................................................................? e. did want with to come they us ................................................................................................................................................? ................................................................................................................................................? g. far to office it your is how ................................................................................................................................................? h. happened yesterday the on afternoon what beach ................................................................................................................................................? Unità 4 - Schema riassuntivo delle varie tipologie di domanda 135 Domande f. he met John has recently