TEST TEST Modulo 2 - Unità 1 PRONOMI PERSONALI SOGGETTO 1. Completa le seguenti frasi con gli adeguati pronomi personali soggetto. a. Mark works in Los Angeles. ........... is a scholar. b. The film is on at the Odeon. ........... starts at 8:00. c. Elizabeth has finished school. ........... will start work next month. d. I call Karen every day. ........... spend hours on the phone. e. The Robinsons are our neighbours. ........... live opposite us. f. Where are the biscuits? - ........... are in the cupboard. g. I like our hotel. ........... is modern and clean. h. You and your brother are good at Maths. ........... always get good marks. 2. Rispondi alle seguenti domande utilizzando i pronomi personali soggetto e le indicazioni tra parentesi. k Where is Pamela? (in her office) She s in her office. a. What s your name? (Martha) ................................................................................................ b. Where are the Johnsons from? (York) .................................................................................... c. What s Paul s job? (postman) ............................................................................................... d. What colour are the leaves? (green) ...................................................................................... e. What s your phone number? (0171 9845627) ....................................................................... f. How old is Jennifer? (23) ...................................................................................................... g. What nationality are you? (Greek) ......................................................................................... h. Where are Paul and Steward? (at the pub) ............................................................................ TEST Modulo 2 - Unità 2 PRONOMI PERSONALI COMPLEMENTO a. Have you already met Mrs Dodman? ........... b. Could I use your pen, please? ........... c. Do you like pineapples? ........... d. May I introduce you to my friend Elizabeth? ........... e. You can stay with me and my parents. ........... f. I need to speak to Tom and Bob. ........... g. I like going out with you and your brother. ........... h. Has your computer got the new bug? ........... Pronomi personali - Possessivi 1. Sostituisci alle parole in corsivo il corretto pronome personale complemento. Modulo 1 - Test 17