TEST TEST Modulo 3 - Unità 1 L ARTICOLO INDETERMINATIVO 1. Inserisci a oppure an davanti alle seguenti parole. .......... house .......... desk .......... hotel .......... intelligent man .......... uniform .......... umbrella .......... apple .......... uncertain situation .......... hour .......... guest .......... competition .......... one-way system 2. Completa queste frasi con a/an oppure barra lo spazio. a. There is .......... cup of tea on the table. b. .......... cats are independent. c. Lucy s ......... ideal wife. d. He is .......... Irishman: he comes from Cork. e. This is .......... very good brand of Scottish whisky. f. Would you like .......... glass of wine? g. Can I have .......... orange, please? h. .......... packet of .......... biscuits and .......... kilo of .......... potatoes, please. TEST Modulo 3 - Unità 2 ARTICOLO DETERMINATIVO E ARTICOLO DETERMINATIVO VS ARTICOLO INDETERMINATIVO 1. Inserisci the davanti a queste espressioni oppure barra lo spazio. .......... Loch Ness .......... his gloves .......... Thames .......... piano .......... basketball .......... breakfast .......... Dublin .......... Germany .......... Church Road .......... U.S.A. .......... Alps .......... 2009 2. Completa le seguenti frasi con the oppure barra lo spazio. a. I usually go to .......... school by .......... bus. b. He can speak .......... English very well. c. Can you meet me at .......... station at .......... 8:00 p.m., please? d. Do you like .......... spaghetti? Yes, I do, but I prefer .......... pizza. e. .......... wine we drank last night was excellent. f. .......... articles of .......... that journalist are always very interesting. g. I want to speak to .......... Mr O Malley. h. .......... May is .......... my favourite month and .......... Saturday is .......... my favourite day. 3. Completa le seguenti frasi con a/an/the oppure barra lo spazio. a. Mr Hudson works as .......... doctor in .......... hospital in .......... city centre. b. This is .......... teacher I like best. c. You can find .......... spoon in .......... top drawer on .......... left. Articoli e nomi d. We often have .......... dinner at .......... restaurant on .......... Saturdays. e. There is .......... bank on .......... corner between .......... Coronation Street and .......... Market Road. f. We had .......... fish and chips for .......... lunch. g. .......... Atlantic Ocean is between .......... America and .......... Europe. h. .......... Rebecca is .......... very clever girl. 32 Modulo 3 - Test