NOMI NUMERABILI/NON NUMERABILI E PARTITIVI 1. Scrivi sì se il nome è numerabile e no se è non numerabile. milk ........ pencil ........ cottage ........ cream ........ bike ........ wine ........ vase ........ tea ........ box ........ oil ........ city ........ euro ........ TEST TEST Modulo 4 - Unità 1 2. Completa le seguenti frasi con some/any/no. a. Can I have .............. coffee, please? b. Sorry, but there isn t .............. beer. c. Are there .............. books we can borrow? d. I can go out. I ve got .............. homework today. e. Would you like .............. chocolates? f. I m afraid there s .............. money to spend on that project. g. Do you know if there are .............. Dutch guests at the hotel? h. There are .............. students at school in August. 3. Completa queste frasi con some/any/no/none. a. Is there .............. pudding left? No, there s ............... . b. Most of the students passed the test, but .............. failed. c. There is .............. pineapple juice, I m afraid. But there is .............. orange juice. d. Do you know if there are .............. city maps? Yes, there are .............. in that drawer. e. I can give you .............. fruit salad, but there s .............. fresh fruit. f. Have you got .............. Maths exercises to do? No, I haven t got ............... . g. We still have .............. time left. We can visit the museum. h. There are .............. posters, but there are .............. photographs. TEST Modulo 4 - Unità 2 QUANTIFICATORI 1. Completa queste frasi con a lot, a lot of (2), much, many, very (2), very much. a. There is .............. butter in this cake. b. There isn t .............. time to make a decision. c. This story is .............. strange. d. There are .............. people outside the station. Aggettivi e. I like it ............... . f. She doesn t like horror films ............... . g. Listen to me ............... carefully. h. Do we have ............... exercises to do? Modulo 4 - Test 47