PREPOSIZIONI DI TEMPO 1. Completa queste espressioni con le opportune preposizioni di tempo oppure barra lo spazio. ......... 2004 ......... the evening ......... tomorrow ......... April ......... last year ......... Easter Sunday ......... 20.15 ......... night ......... lunch time ......... Monday morning ......... the weekend ......... summer ......... this month ......... March 10, 2008 ......... Wednesdays ......... a week TEST TEST Modulo 5 - Unità 1 2. Cerchia R se la preposizione di tempo contenuta nella frase è corretta, W se è sbagliata. In questo caso correggila. a. They often go to the restaurant in Saturday evening. R W .................. b. They are going on a package holiday on Christmas. R W .................. c. Do you have to study on today? R W .................. d. I can t sleep very well at night. R W .................. e. Did you do the shopping on yesterday afternoon? R W .................. f. The lecture on Shakespeare is on Wednesday. R W .................. g. Does the coach leave on 17.45? R W .................. h. We won t have any classes in next week. R W .................. TEST Modulo 5 - Unità 2 PREPOSIZIONI DI LUOGO 1. Completa queste frasi con in, at, on. a. Martin lives ......... the country, but also has a house ......... the seaside. b. Will you be .......... home later in the afternoon? c. You can buy stamps ......... the Post Office. d. Hillary s house is ......... 85, Drury Lane. e. The kitchen is ......... the ground floor. f. Will you meet me ......... the airport, please? g. The library is ......... the end of the street, ......... your left: you can t miss it. h. Is Leeds ......... the south or ......... the north of England? 2. Completa questo brano con in, at, on. Robert is 15 and lives ........ Windsor, ........ the south of England. Windsor is ........ the river Thames. He lives with his family ........ a semi-detached house ......... a small hill. The house is ......... 32, Hill Road. His bedroom is ......... the first floor, ......... the right. His parents bedroom is ......... the left. When the weather is fine, Robert likes studying and playing ......... the garden. He is not often ......... home, though, because school only finishes at 4 o clock in the afternoon. Now Robert is ......... the newsagent s. Later he s meeting a friend who s coming for the weekend ......... the station. 3. Cerchia R se la preposizione di luogo contenuta nella frase è corretta, W se è sbagliata. In a. Her flat is at the second floor. R W .................. b. The bank is between the pub and the cinema. R W .................. c. The window is under the door. R W .................. d. Some cats are lying above a roof. R W .................. e. The garage is next to the house. R W .................. Modulo 5 - Test 61 Preposizioni questo caso correggila (tutte le preposizioni di luogo).