PRESENT SIMPLE 1. Completa questo brano con la forma corretta del present simple dei verbi tra parentesi. Brian is American, from Philadelphia. He ................... (go) to a high school not very far from his TEST TEST Modulo 7 - Unità 1 house. He ................... (live) in the suburbs and usually ................... (take) a bus to school, but his Mum sometimes ..................... (drive) him. Brian ..................... (get) up at 7:30 and ..................... (get) ready. He ..................... (not have) breakfast, he usually ..................... (have) a sandwich at school later on in the morning. He ..................... (not go) home for lunch. He ..................... (leave) school at 4:00; when he ..................... (arrive) at home, he ..................... (not do) his homework immediately. He ..................... (watch) TV or ..................... (play) football with his friends. His mother ..................... (not work), so he ..................... (do) the shopping with her after school once a week. After dinner he sometimes ..................... (meet) his friends and ..................... (hang) around with them for a while. He never ..................... (go) to bed after 10:30 on weekdays. 2. Formula delle frasi utilizzando le seguenti espressioni. a. after Dad in kitchen reads the dinner newspaper ........................................................................................................................................... b. in month spend England a do always you ........................................................................................................................................... c. we every not do homework do our day ........................................................................................................................................... d. every do church morning go to they ........................................................................................................................................... e. like very stories she much doesn t love ........................................................................................................................................... f. Bob sunbathe on and every beach don t day Betty the ........................................................................................................................................... g. you milk do take in your you coffee ........................................................................................................................................... h. gym train he in often does how the ........................................................................................................................................... 3. Formula domande adeguate alle seguenti risposte (le eventuali parti in corsivo sono l oggetto della domanda). a. ..............................................................? We go to the pub after dinner on Fridays. b. ..............................................................? They play a lot of musical instruments. d. ..............................................................? Yes, we exchange messages all day. e. ..............................................................? No, never. f. ..............................................................? We usually have lunch in a cafeteria near the office. g. ..............................................................? It starts at 8.30. h. ..............................................................? He lives in a village not far from Brighton. Modulo 7 - Test 93 Presenti c. ..............................................................? Sally eat Chinese food once a week.