Modulo 8 - Unità 1 TO BE: PAST SIMPLE was wasn t we/you/they were n Il past simple del verbo to be si forma nel modo seguente: L I/he/she/it F. affermat.: I / he / she / it .........., we / you / they were F. negativa: I / he / she / it was not, we / you / they .......... not (1) F. interrog.: was ...................., were, we / you / they F. int-neg.: .......... I / he / she / it, weren t .......... (1) la forma contratta è I / he / she / it wasn t, we / you / they weren t. n Si usa il past simple di to be nelle stesse situazioni, riferite però al passato, in cui si usa il present simple. k Sheila was really well last month. Sheila stava veramente bene il mese scorso. k How old was your wife when you met her? Quanti anni aveva tua moglie quando l hai conosciuta? k It wasn t very hot. Non faceva molto caldo. n Le short answers (risposte brevi) si formulano: yes, I / he / she / it was, we / you / they were(2) no, I / he / she / it wasn t we / you / they weren t(3) (2) la risposta breve affermativa non si può contrarre (3) la risposta breve negativa si deve contrarre 1. Riscrivi queste frasi al past simple aggiungendo l espressione di tempo fra parentesi. a. Mark is in London. (yesterday) ..................................................................................................... b. Sheila isn t at work. (two days ago) ............................................................................................. c. Are they in town? (yesterday morning) .......................................................................................... d. I am at home with my parents. (last Sunday) ................................................................................ e. Is your cousin ill? (last week) ...................................................................................................... Passati f. They re on holiday. (last month) ................................................................................................... g. We aren t at the restaurant. (last night) ....................................................................................... h. Are you near the shop? (an hour ago) .......................................................................................... 96 Modulo 8