SHAKESPEARE S LIFE AND TIMES (5) WORLD HISTORY 1600 1604 1605 The East India Trading Company was formed. Giordano Bruno was burned to death in Rome for heresy. The Dutch discovered Japan. Don Quixote was published. Rembrandt was born. ENGLISH HISTORY 1600 1601 1603 1605 The Moroccan Ambassador, Abdul-el Quahed, came to London. The Earl of Essex carried out his disastrous rebellion, hoping to take the Queen away from her faithful advisors whom he thought were wrongly advising her. He was later executed. Queen Elizabeth died. James I, the son of Mary Queen of Scots, became King of England. James I opened part of Hyde Park to the public. The Gunpowder plot (Catholic conspirators) tried to blow up1 the Houses of Parliament. SHAKESPEARE S HISTORY 1598-99 The Globe Theatre was built in Bankside, on the other side of the Thames. 1601 Shakespeare s father, John, died. Hamlet was performed. 1602 Othello was performed. Measure for Measure and Twelfth Night were the last plays performed for the Queen. Shakespeare moved to another rented room in Silver Street, north of the Thames. 1603 Shakespeare s acting company was officially adopted by the new King and was called The King s Players . 1607 Antony and Cleopatra was performed. Edmund, Shakespeare s youngest brother, died. Susanna, his daughter, married. 1608 His mother, Mary, died. 1. blow up: to explode. The Gunpowder Plot.