The Swan On The Avon
Level B1 • Pre-Intermediate - Collana RAINBOWS
Annabel Pope
Edisco, 2024





Annabel Pope

A fictionalised biography of the Great Bard based on the few documents which have reached us and on his works: the first years of his life, the marriage to Anne Hathaway, his move to London, his productive friendship with an Italian (possible supplier of several novellas), his first steps on the stage (as an actor and then as a playwright), his troubles and successes; but also his strong love for a Dark Lady, the mysterious muse who inspired some of his works.
Each chapter is introduced by the world and English historical situation of the time. Stimulating in-depth analyses are about Shakespeare’s places (Stratford, London), his works (plays and sonnets), his heritage, the mystery surrounding the Dark Lady but also himself.

Teacher's Resources available online: Answer Key - Audioscripts - Key to Summing-up Activities.

Biografia romanzata del Grande Bardo basata sui pochi documenti pervenutici e sulle sue opere. I primi anni della sua vita, il matrimonio con Anne Hathaway, il trasferimento a Londra, l’amicizia feconda con un italiano (probabile fornitore di diverse novelle), i primi passi teatrali come attore e poi come autore, le grandi difficoltà e i grandi successi; ma anche il grande amore verso una Dark Lady, la misteriosa musa ispiratrice di diverse sue opere. Il tutto inserito nel contesto storico del periodo elisabettiano.



