SHAKESPEARE S LIFE AND TIMES (1) WORLD HISTORY 1565 1570 1571 1572 1574 The pencil was invented. The Spanish founded Rio de Janeiro. The first Atlas with seventy maps was published. The European Holy League (Venice, Spain and the Papacy), commanded by Don John of Austria, defeated the Turks at the Battle of Lepanto. The Saint Bartholomew Day Massacre took place in Paris, where hundreds of Protestants were killed by Catholics. The Holy War began in France against the Huguenots, who were Protestant followers of Calvin. Cosimo de Medici died. ENGLISH HISTORY 1564 1567 1569 1570 1571 1572 1576 Queen Elizabeth I had been on the throne for six years and was thirtyone years old. She was the daughter of Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII. Her father s divorce from Catharine of Aragon caused the schism with the Pope and the Catholic Church. Elizabeth, however, was quite tolerant of all religions, as long as people attended the official Protestant services. The very first theatre in London, The Red Lion, was built in Whitechapel. The first recorded lottery took place in England. England invaded Scotland. Pope Pious V excommunicated Elizabeth and declared her illegitimate because her father had divorced. Her spies were everywhere, especially in Warwickshire, where there were many Catholic sympathizers. Francis Drake, the explorer, saw the Pacific Ocean for the first time. John Donne, the English poet, was born. James Burbage built a new theatre, The Theatre , in Shoreditch, North London. SHAKESPEARE S 1564 1566 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 HISTORY William Shakespeare was born. Gilbert, his brother, was born. John Shakespeare, his father, was made deputy major1 of Stratford. Joan, his sister, was born. John Shakespeare, was accused of lending money with interest. Anne, his sister, was born. John Shakespeare was fined 2 for buying and selling wool illegally. Francis Drake 1. deputy major: the vice of the person elected to govern a town/city. 2. was fined: had to pay a sum of money for an offence.