SHAKESPEARE S LIFE AND TIMES (6) WORLD HISTORY 1608 1610 1611 1614 1615 Samuel de Chaplain established the French colony in Quebec, Canada. Galileo saw the moons of Jupiter through his telescope. The authorized version of the Bible was issued1 (previously the Geneva Bible had been used). John Napier developed and introduced logarithms. Civil war in France. ENGLISH HISTORY 1606 1610 1616 The British flag the Union Jack was adopted. The English colonized Ulster, Northern Ireland. Pocahontas visited England. SHAKESPEARE S HISTORY 1608 1609 1610 1612 1613 1614 1616 The King s Men acquired another theatre, Blackfriars. Coriolanus was performed at the Globe. The Sonnets were published. Cymbeline and A Winter s Tale, adapted from Robert Greene s play Pandosto were performed at the Globe. The Tempest was written and performed at both theatres. The Two Noble Kinsmen, written with John Fletcher, was played at the two theatres. William s brother Gilbert died. Cardenio, written with John Fletcher, and later lost, was performed at the two theatres. The Globe Theatre burnt down. Shakespeare bought an old house near Blackfriars. The Globe was rebuilt and opened again. Shakespeare died. John Fletcher 1. issued: published.