E X T E N S I O N IMAGINARY PLACES IN LEGEND AND FICTION ATLANTIS. According to legend, Atlantis ( Island of Atlas in Greek) was an island in the Atlantic Ocean. The great Greek philosopher Plato said that it was swallowed1 by an earthquake2, and sank3 into the ocean in a single day and night . EL DORADO. This was a legendary golden city or historical region in the New World. People said it was in South America and it was famous for its great wealth4 of gold and precious jewels. Many Spanish and English expeditions in the Americas were sent in search of El Dorado. In 1540, Francisco Vasquez de Coronado went to Kansas to look for it. Walter Raleigh looked in vain5 for El Dorado in South America and led6 an expedition up the Orinoco River in 1595. OZ. This is a fantasy region containing four lands. It first appeared in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1900) written by L. Frank Baum. Oz is rectangular in shape and divided along the diagonals into four countries: Munchkin in the West, Winkie in the East, Gillikin in the North and 1. swallowed: taken in completely so that it can t be seen. 2. earthquake: a violent shaking of the earth surface. 3. sank (sink-sank-sunk): went below the surface. 4. wealth: a large amount of money, property, etc. that a person or country has. 5. in vain: without success. 6. led (lead-led-led): guided. 58