a cura di R. Aimo e R. PalmerFantasy and satire are the main ingredients of the novel, parody of travel literature, and vitriolic criticism of Swift's society and of human nature.
Lemuel Gulliver recounts his travels to exotic lands: Lilliput, where he meets tiny beings; Brobdingnag, the country of the giants; Laputa, the flying island inhabited by scientists and philosophers; finally, he describes his encounter with rational horses, the Houyhnhnms, wise beings who live together with savages, the Yahoos, similar to men.
The book contains in-depth analyses connected to the issues of the novel.
Teacher's Resources available online: Answer Key - Audioscripts - Key to Summing-up Activities.
Fantasia e satira sono gli elementi costitutivi del romanzo, parodia della letteratura di viaggio e feroce critica della società del tempo e della natura umana.
Gulliver narra di viaggi in terre strane: Lilliput, dove incontra minuscoli esseri; Brobdingnag, il paese dei giganti; Laputa, l'isola volante degli scienziati e filosofi; infine, la terra dei cavalli razionali, gli Houyhnhnms, esseri saggi che convivono con esseri brutali, gli Yahoos, simili agli uomini.
Il libro contiene approfondimenti legati alle tematiche del romanzo.
Jonathan Swift4Chapter 1 – Lilliput, a strange island6Extension: Famous Explorers and Navigators15Chapter 2 – Life on Lilliput17Extension: Famous British ships26Chapter 3 – Brobdingnag28Extension: Utopias37Chapter 4 – Life at court39Extension: Life in the 18th century48Chapter 5 – The flying island49Extension: Imaginary places in legend and fiction58Chapter 6 – The land of horses60Extension: Gulliver at the cinema69Summing-up activities71Glossary75