4 The Cask of Amontillado BEFORE READING Story 1 Which of the following themes do you think are likely to occur in The Cask of Amontillado? Underline the ones you think will be found: murder, rape, revenge, insanity, hatred, the art of bricklaying, the death of a beautiful woman, loss of face, dignity, being buried alive, poisoning, nobility, addiction to drugs or alcohol, freemasons, pride, losing a loved one, honor, infidelity. 2 Amontillado is a type of sherry, renowned for its flavor. What is sherry? Circle the correct answer. a. A white wine. b. A red wine. c. A herbal liqueur. d. A fortified wine. e. A strong spirit like vodka. f. A type of cognac. g. A drink similar to Martini. 3 Poe frequently uses the words below in the left hand column in his stories. Match them to their synonyms. a. dampness b. darkness c. terror d. burial e. vault f. remote g. tremble h. death i. soul 1. cavern 2. decease 3. isolated 4. shiver 5. spirit 6. interment 7. fear 8. humidity 9. gloom A cask or barrel of Amontillado 53