The Oval Portrait and other stories
Level B2 • Intermediate - Collana RAINBOWS
Edgar Allan Poe
Edisco, 2024





a cura di Annabel Pope

Five short-stories by Edgar Allan Poe: The Oval Portrait (the story of an artist who wants to make a painting of his young wife, but becomes so obsessed with it that he doesn’t realize his wife is dying meanwhile), Berenice (a horror story in which the protagonist is unable to stop thinking about his cousinwife’s beautiful teeth), The Premature Burial (a sequence of different episodes where people are buried alive by mistake), The Cask of Amontillado (a tale of terror in which a man takes his cruel revenge during a Carnival in Italy), The Fall of the House of Usher (Usher’s sister Madeline dies from a mysterious illness; she comes back from the grave and the visitor flees the house before it collapses.)
Teacher's Resources available online: Answer Key - Audioscripts - Summing-up Activities

Cinque famose short-stories del grande scrittore americano: The Oval Portrait, Berenice, The Premature Burial, The Cask of Amontillado, The Fall of the House of Usher.
Completano il reader diversi approfondimenti, tra cui: lo strano decesso del geniale autore, la ritrattistica, la tafofobia, la rivalità con alcuni critici letterari del periodo, le regole d’oro stabilite da Poe per scrivere un buon racconto breve.



