1 The Oval Portrait BEFORE READING Story 1 Which of the following emotions do you anticipate experiencing while you are reading The Oval Portrait? Tick the relevant boxes and write the corresponding adjectives next to the nouns. fear ................................ happiness ................................ joy ................................ desperation ................................ compassion ................................ sadness ................................ terror ................................ pity ................................ enthusiasm ................................ surprise ................................ 2 Portraits have the power to connect us with other humans through the face. Whose face do you expect the portrait of this story to be of? Underline the one you expect from the suggestions given below. Poe himself his wife a well-known person in Poe s time a child a beautiful woman a saint or martyr an unknown man or woman 3 What kind of place do you imagine this oval portrait to be in? Put a tick ( ) in the box by the answer you think is most likely. The bedroom of an abandoned mansion The library in an ancient castle An art gallery in a famous city In a remote derelict house on the moors In the captain s cabin of a transatlantic ship In the suitcase of a commercial traveler living in a rented room The great, gloomy chateau high on the Apennines 8