a cura di R. Aimo e R. PalmerLegrand and his servant Jupiter come across a strange gold scarab-like bug and wrap it in a parchment they find in the sand. As he has lent the bug to an acquaintance, Legrand can't show it to a visiting friend and so he draws a sketch of the insect on the parchment; but when he brings the paper close to the fireplace, the heat reveals several marks previously invisible as they are drawn with invisible ink.
Legrand realizes that he is in front of a cryptogram written by the pirate William Kidd! He manages to decipher it and sets off with his friend and servant in search of the pirate's fabulous treasure...
The reader is enriched with inserts on sacred animals, old and new pirates, experiments in magic, slavery and treasure hunters in cinema.
Teacher's Resources available online: Answer Key - Audioscripts - Summing-up Activities
Legrand e il suo servo Jup si imbattono in uno strano scarabeo dorato e lo avvolgono in una pergamena trovata nella sabbia. Non potendo mostrare lo scarabeo ad un amico in visita (avendolo dato in prestito), Legrand traccia uno schizzo dell’insetto sulla pergamena.
Ma quando avvicina il foglio al focolare, il calore fa comparire diversi segni prima invisibili perché tracciati con l’inchiostro simpatico. Legrand scopre di essere di fronte a un crittogramma scritto dal pirata William Kidd! Riesce a decifrarlo e parte con l’amico e il servo alla ricerca del tesoro…
Edgar Allan Poe4Chapter 1 – Sullivan’s Island6Extension: Sacred animals17Chapter 2 – The Expedition19Extension:Old and new pirates30Chapter 3 – The Treasure32Extension: Magic experiments42Chapter 4 – The Secret Writing44Extension: Slavery54Chapter 5 – The Solution56Extension: Treasure hunters at the cinema66Summing-Up activities68Glossary73