E X T E N S I O N MAGIC EXPERIMENTS Invisible ink1 with lemon juice you can write your secret message quickly and easily if you follow these simple instructions.you need: lemons paper a small stick2 sunlight or a light bulb3. Firstly, squeeze4 lemons to obtain their juice, then use the juice as ink by putting it onto a stick and writing on paper. When the paper dries5, you can read your invisible message: put the paper against sunlight or a light bulb. the heat6 will change the writing into a light brown, so that you can read your message. you can perform this experiment with other juices, such as orange juice, apple juice and white wine or vinegar. Invisible ink with corn starch7 the writing for this invisible ink is done using corn starch.When your writing is dry, you can read the message using an iodine8 solution. you need: corn starch a toothpick and a paintbrush9 iodine a pan10 water paper. 1. ink: colored liquid used for writing, printing, and drawing. 6. heat: the quality of being hot. 7. corn starch: a white substance that you find in potatoes, corn and rice. 8. iodine: a chemical element found in sea water. 2. stick: 3. light bulb: 9. paintbrush: 4. squeeze: press to have liquid. 5. dries: becomes dry. 10. pan: 42