S U M M I N G - U P AC T I V I T I E S WorKing on tHE tEXt 1 Answer the questions. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Where does the narrator live? What is the old black servant s name? What did Legrand find on the beach? What is this animal like? What did Legrand ask the narrator to do? What did Legrand ask Jupiter to do when they reached the big tree? Why did the three men dig around the tree? What did they find? Whose treasure was it? What happened to Captain Kidd s men? 2 Are these sentences true (t) or false (F)? correct the false ones. t F a. Sullivan s Island is in North Carolina. b. While Legrand and Jupiter were going back home, they met a friend and lent him the bug. c. Legrand looked at the drawing on the parchment and was worried. d. Jupiter didn t climb the big tree because he was afraid. e. Jupiter found a skull on the tree. f. An old man guided Legrand to the Bishop s Hostel. g. Legrand saw the head of a cow on the parchment. h. Legrand deciphered a secret message with information about the treasure. i. The three men found a huge buried treasure. j. There weren t any jewels in the trunk. 3 Summary. Fill in the blanks. One day the narrator leaves the (1).................................. where he lives and goes to Sullivan s Island to meet his (2).......................... Legrand. Legrand, who lives there with Jupiter, his black (3).............................., has a bug with him: he has found it on the (4).................................. . The bug is of a golden color and is very (5)............................ . The narrator, Legrand and Jupiter go into a forest to look for some (6)............................ and take the gold bug with them. They reach a place where Legrand thinks there is a (7)................................. quantity 68