3 The Treasure Chapter BEFORE READING 1 make predictions. Answer these questions. a. What will they find in the wooden box? ................................................................................................................................................... b. Will they pull it out of the hole? ................................................................................................................................................... c. What do you think will happen next? ................................................................................................................................................... 2 these are some verbs from chapter 3. match the ones in column A to their definition in column B. A a. b. c. d. e. f. 3 B 1. To relax or sleep. 2. To raise something to a higher position. 3. To shake in a way that you can t control. 4. To feel embarrassment about something. 5. To walk backwards. 6. To pull out. lift step back take out be ashamed tremble rest Write the appropriate number in the box provided. 1. elbow 5. neck 2. knee 6. ankle 3. arm 7. shoulder 32 4. ear 8. back