MODULE 1 THE BIRTH AND ROLE OF COMPUTERS Unit 1.1 • Computer science, ICT and digital literacy Main fields of computing ICT and health ICT and work ICT, education and culture ICT and the environment Unit 1.2 • Computers The binary system and units of measure Analogue vs digital The history of computers Present-day computers and their future evolution Large computers Smaller computers Mobile technology Wearable, handheld and embedded computers ONLINE RESOURCES ASCII code Charles Babbage’s analytical engine The Bicentennial Man LANGUAGE SKILLS Digital libraries New technological trends in teaching and studying Learning with technology EXTRA FIRST AND IELTS READING PRACTICE First, part 1 LITERARY BITS Kazuo Ishiguro, Never Let Me Go EUCIP CORE SYLLABUS 3.1 System development life cycle (Bulid B 1.2)