4 THE USES OF COMPUTERS MODULE Unit 4.1 Main software Word processors Spreadsheets Presentations Electronic organisers Databases Databases and database applications Unit 4.2 Graphics software Painting and drawing software Photo editing software Desktop publishing software Unit 4.3 Other software programs Global Positioning System (GPS) Virtual reality and videogames Website creation Domotics and smart homes Industrial and manufacturing software Business software E-learning Unit 4.4 The New Frontiers of ICT Industrial applications Medical uses Artificial intelligence and augmented reality ONLINE RESOURCES CAD Digital mapping Special effects and computergenerated imagery in film making Musical instrument digital interface and music software LANGUAGE SKILLS Learning and playing with computers Interviewing Improving sound, music, pictures and texts EXTRA FIRST AND IELTS READING PRACTICE Ielts, passage 1 LITERARY BITS Philip K. Dick, Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? EUCIP CORE SYLLABUS 3.1 Audio-visual tools (Plan A 6.5) 149