MAPPING YOUR MIND THE USES OF COMPUTERS Main software Graphics software Word processors Painting software Creates raster graphics Aim Write and manipulate text documents Drawing software Creates vector graphics Spreadsheets Aim Photo editing software Display and process data in a structured way Aim Aim Creation of slides in a single document to show something to an audience Desktop publishing software Electronic organisers Aim Write down appointments and things to remember, take notes Global Positioning System (GPS) The new frontiers of ICT Industrial applications Industry 4.0 Aim Pinpoint a geographic position thanks to the satellites in orbit around the Earth Virtual reality (VR) Artificial environment created with software and presented as a real one Videogames Edit and adjust existing digital images and photos Presentations Other software programs Contemporary fourth Industrial Revolution 3D printing Manufacturing process in which some material is laid down, layer by layer, to form a three-dimensional object from a computer created design Drone delivery Website creation Domotics Use of technology to automate private homes and equip them with services to ensure comfort and security Unmanned aerial vehicle guided by GPS systems used for distributing packages to consumers during the last mile delivery process Internet of Things (IoT) Industrial software Aim Combine text, images and artwork to produce documents for print or visual consumption Applications process, methods and functions to help collect, manipulate and manage information on an industrial scale includes Network of physical objects embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the Internet Manufacturing software Medical uses Aim Laser surgery Types Automating production process and planning, stock tracking, allocation of resources, etc. Calendaring software Electronic diary Notebook applications Robotics Neurotechnology Branch of technology that deals with design, construction, operation and application of robots + computer systems for their control, sensory feedback and information processing Databases Aim Store and search huge amounts of data Business software Software that performs tasks to increase and measure productivity and improve business functions Types Non-relational Can be Surgery that uses special light beams instead of instruments for surgical procedures Types Enterprise software Flat-file database Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Network database Supply Chain Management System (SCM) Object-oriented database Coding goods Relational Barcodes Radio Frequency Identification System (RFID) Quick Response (QR) Code Payment services Electronic Point Of Sale (EPOS) Payment Gateways E-learning Education or training programs which use electronic devices Integration of technical components with the nervous system Artificial intelligence Ability of a computer, or a robot controlled by a computer, to do tasks that are usually done by humans because they require human intelligence Approaches Symbolic / Top-down Connectionist / Bottom-up Augmented reality Integration of digital information with the user s environment in real time