5 LINKING COMPUTERS MODULE Unit 5.1 Communication Networks Telecommunications Methods of transmission Short-region wireless and mobile transmission Networks Types of networks Network topologies Communication protocols: the ISO/OSI model Communication protocols: TCP/IP Unit 5.2 The Internet ONLINE RESOURCES Smartwork LANGUAGE SKILLS Slideshare and other online activities Past and future Social media EXTRA FIRST AND IELTS READING PRACTICE Ielts, passage 2 LITERARY BITS Herbert G. Wells, The Crystal Egg EUCIP CORE SYLLABUS 3.1 Domain name system (Operate C 4.3) The Internet and its services The World Wide Web, websites and web browsers Search engines and web search Content aggregators Cloud computing Unit 5.3 Sharing online Social networks Blogs and online forums Audio, video and image sharing Collaborative documents and wikis Smart TV and streaming VoIP and videoconferencing Instant messaging and microblogging Apps and widgets 203