5.3 SHARING ONLINE SOCIAL NETWORKS The terms social networks and social media are often used interchangeably, but there is a difference, although some platforms offer both services. Social media platforms broadcast information, while social networks are used to communicate with one another. The success of social networks has contributed to changing the main purpose of the Internet itself: from a tool for archiving and transmitting data to a tool that facilitates relationships and collaboration, and allows users to add content, i.e. the Web 2.0. Look at the names of the social networks provided as examples. Do you know or use any of them? Do you know any others? Social networks are online communities of people who use dedicated websites to share interests and activities, socially interact with other members, and foster the development of online communication . To be part of a social networking site and benefit from the different options offered to members, it is necessary to sign up and give personal details. It is then possible to create and join groups in a virtual social playground in which members can interact in a variety of ways: through chat lines, instant messaging, emails, videos, voice chat, file sharing, blogging, and discussion groups. Features of social networks There are hundreds of different social networks, but they all share some common characteristics: they are free and easy to access; anyone can provide content or edit what is already there; and they are continuously updated. However, there are some problems around social networks since they may raise issues related to privacy and identity when writing very personal comments or publishing photographs. Types of social networks Depending on who their members are, social networks can be divided into three categories: public social networks, with free access for anybody who is interested; customer communities, with access granted by companies to their customers; awesome: eccezionale to foster: promuovere to land: ottenere pricey: costoso quest: ricerca to retain: mantenere 234 LINKING COMPUTERS employee social networks, with access restricted to staff members. Depending on the type of service provided or the activities that can be done through the website, they can be divided into seven broad categories : networking (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram); microblogging (e.g. Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram); collaboration (e.g. Yahoo! Answers, WhatIs.com); image sharing (e.g. Flickr, Pinterest, Picasa); audio and video sharing (e.g. YouTube, Vimeo, TikTok, SoundCloud, Vocaroo); live sharing (e.g. Ustream, LiveStream, Blogtalkradio); written and visual publishing (e.g. Slideshare). Social networks for business Nowadays, social networks are becoming extremely important for business success, even for small businesses, too. Many companies use social networks in several different ways, for example to advertise their products, to allow their working teams around the world to keep in touch, or to search for personnel. In fact, social networks give employers the ability to connect with highly-qualified job seekers especially the silent ones, i.e. qualified people who already have a job without needing to involve a pricey headhunter, for example.