real-LIFE SKILLS encrYpting AnD DecrYpting messAges WitH cAesAr cipHer 6 Write a short message of about 30-35 words. then, encrypt it using caesar cipher. Encrypting with Caesar cipher means replacing each letter of the message with another which is shifted by a certain number of places down the alphabet. Remember to use the English alphabet. e.g. +1 = A B; B C; etc. e.g. +2 = A C; B D; etc. Original text: Encrypted text: +n 7 exchange your encrypted message with a classmate and try to decrypt the one that you have just received. it is an intuitive activity, but once you get a clue, you can decrypt the entire message. 8 group WorK Let s make it a bit more difficult. encrypt the message replacing each letter with one that comes before it in the alphabet. e.g. -1 = N M; A Z; etc. e.g. -4 = A W; S P; etc. Original text: Encrypted text: n 9 10 Decrypt the message from the previous activity. Decrypt the message and answer the questions. The cipher is: +n = 1 + (2 x 3) 4. KDYH BRX HQMRBHG WKLV DFWLYLWB? ZDV LW GLIILFXOW? 294 protecting computers
REAL-LIFE SKILLS Encrypting and decrypting messages with Caesar cipher