2 CAREERS WHERE TO LOOK FOR A JOB There are many different ways to find out about job opportunities. The press Recruitment ads can be found in local, national and international newspapers and magazines. Some papers have a specific day dedicated to job adverts, while there are also magazines which specialise in job hunting. Websites There are websites dedicated to job hunting where job seekers can look for work, such as monster.com, indeed.com and simplyhired.com. In addition, there are also professional social networks like linkedIn. com which allow employers to connect with people looking for work, especially silent job seekers, i.e. qualified people who already have a job. Some companies advertise their vacancies on their websites and sometimes they offer the opportunity to send a curriculum online or to complete an online form. Job centres A job centre is a government-funded employment agency. Its aim is to help people find employment. It provides resources to enable job seekers to find work, write a CV, prepare for a job interview, etc. They offer information about training opportunities for people who have been unemployed for a long time. Recruitment firms A recruitment firm, or agency, is a type of company which recruits workers and employees for open positions by matching these positions with job seekers in their database and then managing the job interview. The word agency is also used for companies which offer a wide variety of services from recruitment to temporary staffing needs, like Adecco. Search firms or head hunters Companies which recruit primarily at the executive and mid-level are called search firms or head hunters. They make a list of potential high-profile candidates to whom they can propose a position. Sometimes they can use aggressive methods and look for professionals in competitors companies. Direct application Candidates can apply directly to a company by sending a CV with a cover letter. job centre: centro per l impiego 322 appendices