2.1 Communicating How to write an email (electronic mail) is a widely used form of communication since information and attachments (documents, photos etc…) can be exchanged immediately. Email Tour operators can use emails to advertise and promote new brochures, structures, services or special offers to their clients. In this case they are called . newsletters Language The relationship between the writer and the reader determines the style that should be used: for business emails, for friendly communications. Anyway, the message should be short and the subject line clear. formal informal Structure of the email address Writing a business email Opening salutation Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms.… (known recipient’s surname) Dear Sirs, (when you write to a business company) Opening sentence I am/We are writing about…/planning to…/writing to inform you about/that… Thank you for your email dated… Our company is specialised in… We are based in…/We are well-known for… (each idea in a separate paragraph, each paragraph separated by a blank line): Body of the mail : Enquiring We would like to know… Please, send me/us… Could you (also) provide information about… I am/We are interested in receiving a quotation for… : Replying We inform you that… The attached material will provide the requested information… We are sorry but we cannot meet your needs… : Promoting We would like to inform you of…/to draw your attention to… In the attached material you will find all details about… We can offer high-quality services at reasonable prices… Closing sentence Thank you for your attention… We look forward to a prompt reply… Do not hesitate to contact me/us for any further information… We hope to have you among our customers… Closing salutation Yours faithfully, (unknown correspondent) Yours sincerely, (BrE)/Sincerely yours, (AmE) (known correspondent) Best regards, (more informal) Signature Name of the sender Glossary :allegato :avere sede :vuoto :focalizzare l’attenzione :ulteriore :essere in attesa di :soddisfare le richieste :preventivo :molto conosciuto attached to be based in blank to draw the attention further to look forward to to meet the one’s needs quotation well-known