1.1 Tourism and tourists What is tourism? Definition of tourism According to the (WTO), "Tourism comprises the activities of persons travelling to, and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure , business and other purposes". So, tourism is identified by four key elements: the action of travelling and staying in a location that is not home, for a minimum of one night and maximum one year, with a particular intent. World Tourism Organization Classification of tourism by location There are several possible ways of classifying tourism. If we consider the location in which it takes place, it can be divided into three categories: : when a foreigner visits a country different from his/her own (e.g., from an Italian point of view when a French person visits Italy). Inbound tourism : when a resident of a country goes to another country (e.g., when an Italian travels to France). Outbound tourism : when residents of a country travel within their country (e.g., when an Italian living in Milan goes on a summer holiday to Capri). Domestic tourism Tourism and economy Inbound and outbound tourism are important forces in a country’s economy. Tourists spend money when they go on holiday as they need transportation, accommodation, food and drinks, entertainment, souvenirs, and presents. Jobs are also created, and some other money is collected by the country of destination in the form of taxes on services and wages . Outbound tourism creates jobs and also moves money in the country of departure, because outbound tourists will buy tickets, travel insurance and goods for their travelling (clothing, cameras, etc.) from shops in their own country. These two flows of money are not even , though. Overall , if a country generates more inbound than outbound tourism, it will have a travel trade surplus which will result in a positive component of its economy. On the other hand, if a country has more outbound tourism than inbound tourism, this will result in a loss of resources for its economy. GLOSSARY : : : : : : : : even pari flow flusso goods beni, prodotti insurance assicurazione leisure tempo libero loss perdita overall nel complesso wage stipendio