12. Read the text and prepare a map to summarise it. The TALC Model In the eighties, Butler adapted the life cycle product model to the tourism industry and created the "Tourism Area Life Cycle (TALC) model". He established six stages: exploration, involvement, development, consolidation, stagnation, and a stage after the stagnation, one in which the product can decline or revitalise. It states that most tourist resorts start on a very small scale and get bigger and bigger until stagnation occurs. Some of the factors that can assist in identifying the life cycle stage are: market growth rate, growth potential, range of product lines, distribution of market share amongst competitors, customer loyalty, technology, length of stay, visitor profiles, expenditure per head, and visit arrangement (package/independent). Within the 6 stages the following happens: A few curious and adventurous people looking for something different in a holiday find a place that is special in terms of its culture, natural beauty, history or landscape. There may be no tourist services available and local people will not be involved in tourist money-making activities. Exploration. Local people start to notice that there are increasing numbers of people coming to their local area. They start businesses to provide accommodation, food, guides, and transport. Involvement. Big companies start to see the emerging potential of the area as a tourist resort and therefore start to invest money in the region. They build large hotel complexes and sell package holidays, which might include food options, sports activities and excursions. This makes the numbers of tourists increase dramatically and massively expands the number of job opportunities for people in the local region, in both tourist related jobs and in construction and services. Development. The local economy is heavily supported by tourism at this stage, and many local people will make their money from this type of industry. However, this can remove people from other industries such as farming and fishing and these industries can suffer as a result. There will be continued building and expansion of the resort, but some of the older buildings will start to become unattractive and a lower quality client base might result. Consolidation. Competition from other resorts and a loss of the original features (e.g. if there was a great beach that is now crowded and polluted) can cause the resort to stop growing. The number of people going remains flat and then starts to decline, threatening local businesses and services. Stagnation. From the stagnation point onwards there are two basic possibilities: decline in various forms or rejuvenation (regrowth of the resort). Decline can be slow or rapid, and regular visitors are replaced by people seeking a cheap break or day trippers. Rejuvenation involves a cash injection from either a private company or the government to create a new attraction within the original resort to boost its popularity. Decline or rejuvenation? Adapted from: https://www.coolgeography.co.uk/GCSE/AQA/Tourism/Life%20Cycle%20Model/Tourism%20Model.htm https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/55605769.pdf