CASE STUDY AUGMENTED REALITY IN INNOVATION FOR SPORT CARS: AR3S In 2022, a group of four engineering students from Munich developed an adaptive system for high-performance sport cars. Instead of a static rear-wing, their idea was to create a component adaptable to all driving situations and able to activate the wing accordingly. To work on the prototype of this new innovative component, they used augmented reality with software, which lets users visualise 3D CAD data as holograms, i.e., physical structures that light into an image. Holo-Light GmbH is a German company specialised in immersive software and technologies that enable engineers to work on 3D CAD models in augmented and virtual reality. rear-wing Holo-Light’s AR3S diffract How the project started The students started the rear-wing on a blank sheet of paper, then, when the idea was clear, they used common CAD programs to do the design, create the 3D model and perform the initial simulations. But they soon realised that they were missing the spatial understanding of the entire component and they couldn’t understand if it would the car. During their search for solutions, the four students discovered AR3S (Augmented Reality Engineering Space) software by Holo-Light, and they finally had an immersive working experience in a virtual environment that let them interact with their 3D model. sketching fit Visualising CAD models in AR When the four students used the AR3S on their CAD models, they were able to view their design in real size for the first time. They were also immediately of which components they still needed to adjust. The major advantage of using AR to visualise model designs is to prevent errors. Inconsistent details, easily design errors or even necessary modifications in the model can be quickly identified and rectified before the production or even before the creation of a functional prototype. aware overlooked What is Holo-Light’s AR3S software used for? What is a hologram? What is Holo-Light GmbH? What did the AR3S allow students to do? Why did the four students decide to use AR after creating the CAD model of their rear-wing? What is the major benefit of using AR when creating a prototype? 3 Answer the questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 4 Watch the video, then write a brief text about all the things you can do when using AR in 3D models. GLOSSARY : : : : : : to be aware essere consapevole to diffract diffrangere to fit essere adatto a to overlook lasciarsi sfuggire rear-wing alettone posteriore to sketch disegnare uno schizzo