REAL-LIFE SKILLS You have decided to start a blog. Discuss, make decisions, and write a short presentation about what it is going to be about and who for. Use these questions to help you. 1. Follow the instructions. Who is the target audience? What is your blog about? What is its name going to be? How often will you post new entries? What are your information sources? Why should people read your blog? What social media would you promote it on and why? 2. Use a free blogging platform to create your own blog. Follow the instructions. Go online to look for a blog builder Create an account and register Find your sources and materials Write a couple of entries Invite your friends to visit your blog and leave comments. 3. Imagine you are launching an e-commerce activity and need to define your ideal customer profile. Follow the instructions. Choose the type of e-commerce (B2B, B2C or C2C) Decide your line of production/the service you want to offer Create a customer profile template using the given table as a guide.