4.1 CROPS 78 A cultivar is a subspecies classification describing plant varieties which are produced through artificial selection. The word cultivar comes from a combination of cultivated variety. Oleaginous fruits are plant foods from which oil can be extracted. CROP CLASSIFICATION All cultivated plant species and cultivars are called crops if they are grown and harvested for subsistence or profit. Crops have multifunctional uses and the ancient practice of grouping them can help to identify, grow, study, preserve, and manage plant species and varieties. However, there are different methods and reasons for classifying crops. The plants classified as agricultural crops may be grouped into two main divisions agronomic crops and horticultural crops depending on criteria that include the extensiveness of production, usage, and product descriptions. Moreover, both crop classifications are further subdivided into Product type cassava: manioca cinnamon: cannella clove: chiodo di garofano fodder: foraggio groundnut: arachide inulin: inulina rapeseed: colza truffle: tartufo 166 Cultivation Indicative Crop Classification (ICC) A new, different criterion adopted by the Indicative Crop Classification issued by FAO in 2020 classifies crops into nine categories based on product type, crop genus and whether the crop is temporary or permanent. Crop type: Temporary or Permanent 1 Cereals (e.g. wheat, maize, rice, sorghum, barley) 2 Vegetables Leafy or stem vegetables (e.g. artichokes, cabbages, lettuce, spinach) Fruit-bearing vegetables (e.g. cucumbers, eggplants, tomatoes, pumpkins) Root, bulb, or tuberous vegetables (e.g. carrots, garlic, onions, leeks) Mushrooms and truffles 3 Fruits and nuts Tropical and subtropical fruits (e.g. avocados, bananas, figs) Citrus fruits (e.g. grapefruits, lemons, oranges) Grapes Berries (e.g. gooseberries, kiwi fruit, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries) Pome fruits and stone fruits (e.g. apples, apricots, peaches, plums) Nuts (e.g. almonds, hazelnuts) 4 Oilseed crops and oleaginous fruits Soya beans Groundnuts Other temporary oilseed crops (e.g. rapeseed, sesame, sunflower) Permanent oilseed crops (e.g. coconuts, olives) 5 Root/tuber crops with high starch or inulin content (e.g. potatoes, cassava) 6 Stimulant, spice and aromatic crops 7 Leguminous crops (e.g. beans, chickpeas, lentils, lupins) 8 Sugar crops (e.g. sugar beet, sugar cane) 9 Other crops (e.g rubber, tobacco; temporary/permanent: grasses, fodder, fibre, medicinal, aromatic, flower crops) ONLINE RESOURCES Healing herbs Tea, coffee and cocoa various groups based on other criteria, such as taxonomy families, commercial purposes (food, forage, fibre, oil, ornamental, and industrial crops), life cycle (annual, biennial and perennial) or parts that are primarily utilised. Each classification may be further subdivided into more specific groups, and the same plant may belong to multiple groups. Stimulant crops (e.g. coffee, tea, cocoa) Temporary spice and aromatic crops (e.g. chili peppers, anise) Permanent spice (e.g. pepper, nutmeg, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves)