CASE STUDY SAiRiSi, SuStAinABlE itAliAn RiCE PRoJECt Italy currently produces just over half of all Europe s rice: yet this represents just 0.38% of the world s production and it is not suf cient to feed our continent, increasingly reliant on importing rice from Asia. To be competitive on the market, Italian rice needs to concentrate efforts on improving sustainability (e.g. through knowledge sharing and training sessions) and increasing support for farmers. improving rice farming sustainability; increasing ef ciency in economic performance; facilitating collaboration between farmers and buyers; reducing environmental impact; using resources more ef ciently; The Sustainable Agriculture Initiative ensuring food security; (SAI) Platform Started in 2016, the SAI is the most important global platform of the agri-food chain, made up of around 90 members representing the entire supply chain, from farmers associations to large-scale distribution. For the last 20 years, the purpose of the SAI Platform has been to introduce and propagate sustainable agricultural practices on the territory through the development of pilot projects and the cooperation with farmers, rice mills, retailers, food companies, universities and a non-pro t organisation, LIPU. Seven goals SAIRISI hosts training sessions for farmers to share best practices in sustainable farming, focusing on soil preparation, nutrient management, precision agriculture, crop 6 protection, weed management, environmental issues, biodiversity, GHG emissions, and the EU Common Agriculture. In detail its main goals are: enabling farmers to claim rice sustainability and authenticate traceability. Towards the 2030 Agenda According to the OECD , more private companies should be committed to sustainability projects such as the SAIRISI Project in order to achieve the UN s SDGs, in particular Goals 6, 8, 13, 15 and 17. SDG15 Spotlight: Life on Land Several farmers involved in the SAIRISI project have been able to further contribute to improving biodiversity in and around their rice elds. The outcome has been the return of a species of water spider that had not been around since the 1800s, besides an increase in population and species of frogs and crested newts. Read and say if the statements are true or false. Correct the false ones. T F 1. Italian rice production covers around 50% of the world s production. 2. Rice import from Asia is increasing. 3. Sustainability is improved through knowledge sharing and training sessions. 4. SAIRISI was founded 20 years ago. 5. Farmers are the only stakeholders involved in the project. to commit: impegnarsi crested newt: tritone crestato to host: ospitare reliant on: dipendente da T F 6. Product traceability is one of SAIRISI s priorities. 7. If the private sector is involved in the project, it will be easier to achieve the UN s SDGs. 8. Thanks to biodiversity protection, some amphibious species have increased in population. retailer: commerciante al minute rice mill: riseria stakeholder: parte coinvolta, portatore di interesse OECD stands for Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. CultivAtion 217
Case study - SAIRISI, sustainable Italian rice project