REAL-LIFE SKILLS 4 PAir WOrK role-play a phone dialogue between a seller and a farmer who is going to buy a tractor. Follow the instructions. go online for more useful information. Seller Customer Answer the phone and offer help. Introduce yourself and say you are interested in buying a tractor. Ask about the property size and future plans. Reply that you need accessories. Guarantee versatility of all the products. Ask if you can find any bargains in used tractors. Dissuade from buying used vehicles. Ask for a catalogue with prices. Agree and invite the customer to fill in a form with all they need. Ask for the customer s email address. Spell your address and say goodbye. Say goodbye and thank them for calling. 5 grOuP WOrK Split up in groups. each group chooses a product (a piece of machinery or equipment) to advertise and creates a brochure with technical data, including the following. Company name, logo and a slogan Company address Dealers address Description of the product Unit price for base models with/ without accessories, if any Payment terms Guarantee terms After-sale service and availability of spare parts Contact information Reference to the company blog/ website 6 clASS WOrK Whose side are you on? Decide on one of the given topics. Split up in two groups, one in favour of and one against these di erent farming techniques. Agree on three main arguments to support your thesis and then discuss. 54 Hydroponics Conventional farming Organic farming Biodynamic farming Agriculture