Animal Farm is an allegorical short novel against Stalinism but it can be considered Orwell’s fictional manifesto against any form of totalitarianism.It tells the story of a group of farm animals who rebel against their human farmer, hoping to create a society in which animals can be equal, free and happy. However, the rebellion is betrayed and, under the dictatorship of a pig named Napoleon, the animals slowly realise that one form of tyranny has been replaced with another.
The book is enriched with dossiers about the historical and political context in which the allegory takes place.
Teacher's Resources available online: Answer Key - Audioscripts - Summing-up Activities
Animal Farm è un romanzo breve allegorico contro lo Stalinismo ma può essere considerato il manifesto di Orwell contro ogni forma di totalitarismo. Gli animali di una fattoria si ribellano contro il fattore sperando di creare una società dove essi possano essere uguali, liberi e felici. Tuttavia, la ribellione viene tradita e gli animali alla fine si rendono conto che una forma di tirannia è stata sostituita da un’altra. Il libro è arricchito da approfondimenti sul contesto storico-politico in cui si svolge la vicenda.
George Orwell4Chapter 1 – Beasts of England6Extension: An allegory of the Russian Revolution18Chapter 2 – Animalism20Extension: Communism, capitalism and animalism32Chapter 3 –Things change34Extension: Napoleon-Stalin and Snowball-Trotsky52Chapter 4 – The windmill54Extension: Totalitarian regime methods74Chapter 5 – The new policy76Extension: Symbols and characters98Summing-up activities100Glossary106