Bit by Bit è un testo di inglese rivolto in particolare agli studenti dei corsi a indirizzo Informatico e, in generale, a coloro che hanno l’esigenza di utilizzare la lingua inglese come strumento di studio e/o di lavoro in questo settore.Materiali integrativi
- Teacher’s Book. - Soluzioni, testi degli esercizi di ascolto, test di fine unità e di fine modulo, proposte di domande orali e di griglie valutative, real-life tasks, mappe per ogni unità, programmazione didattica, guida didattica di supporto per studenti BES.
- ONLINE RESOURCES. - Ulteriori esercitazioni, approfondimenti letterari, esempi di reading comprehension per le certificazioni EUCIP Core e FIRST/IELTS, test adattati per studenti BES.
Module 1 - The birth and role of computers12Unit 1- Computer science and ict14Unit 2 - ICT and society22Unit 3 - Computers32Vocabulary48Grammar • Prefixes, suffixes and compound nouns50Listening • Digital libraries52Speaking • New technological trends in teaching and studying53Writing • Learning with technology54Mapping your mind55Film • Bicentennial man56Module 2 - The body of computers58Unit 4 - The electronics of computers60Unit 5 - The structure of computers66Unit 6 - The peripherals of computers78Vocabulary90Grammar • Relative clauses92Listening • At the computer shop94Speaking • Discussing computers95Writing • Describing computers and computer problems96Mapping your mind97Film • Strange Days98Module 3 - The mind of computers100Unit 7 - Computer languages102Unit 8 - Computer programming112Unit 9 - Operating systems126Vocabulary138Grammar • Conditionals140Listening • Working in a software house142Speaking • Writing computer code143Writing • Programming languages144Mapping your mind145Film • Desk Set146Module 4 - The uses of computers148Unit 10 - Main software150Unit 11 - Graphics software162Unit 12 - Other software programs172Vocabulary186Grammar • The passive voice188Listening • Learning and playing with computers190Speaking • Interviewing191Writing • Improving sound, music, pictures and texts192Mapping your mind193Film • AI - Artificial intelligence194Module 5 - Linking computers196Unit 13 - Communication networks198Unit 14 - The internet212Unit 15 - Sharing online226Vocabulary240Grammar • Main verb tenses242Listening • Slideshare and other online activities244Speaking • Past and future245Writing • Social media246Mapping your mind247Film • Lucy248Module 6 - Protecting computers250Unit 16 - Computer threats252Unit 17 - Computer protection262Vocabulary270Grammar • Comparatives and superlatives272Listening • Internet privacy274Speaking • Security problems275Writing • Data encryption276Mapping your mind277Film • The Imitation game278Appendices2801 Biz bits2822 Careers3023 How to…312Technical glossary317Acronyms319